Saturday, October 17, 2009

From Puddles, to Prayers, to Pinkie-Pie: Never a Dull Moment

We are just starting to reap the benefits of having kids close together. Maria and Sam often wander off into a bedroom or outside and play make believe games. The favourites are 'baby spirit' (Maria the owner and Sam a baby horse), 'doggies' (Maria the mum and Samuel the baby), and 'cars' (Maria has the mummy car and Samuel has baby Lightening McQueen... see any pattens emerging?). The way they play is very funny. Maria will say "Baby Spirit! It's time for a nap!" Then she says, "Now Sam, say yes mum I'm off to bed!" Sam then has to reply exactly that way. If the game proceeds as Maria dictates, then all is well. However, if Sam decides to stray from the path, then everything goes pear shaped and it's game over.

Sam has been saying some funny things recently. Every night we say prayers, and I am trying to get him to remember them. I start with "God bless..." and he says "Mummy", I say "God Bless..." and he says "Daddy", and we go through everyone and every night without fail he says "God Bless Lightning McQueen!!".

Sam also asked me recently if the tooth fairy brought Bekah's new teeth.

The other day we went off for a walk and splash in puddles. On our journey Maria found a lively ripe, juicy worm. Imminently she said "Oh!! Don't tell Grandad! He'll eat it in a worm pie!" (The context for this is Nanna always says Grandad would eat anything..even worm pie. Grandad backs this up with a "Oh lovely! A nice worm pie yes please!)

Maria loves going outside when it is raining - she loves puddle splashing and twig racing. The other day she was outside in her raincoat for over half an hour wiping the car down with a window wiper. Her favourite toys at the moment are James (a horse), Baby Spirit (a baby horse), Pinkie Pie (a pink horse), Star Song, which she calls Song Star and Baby Pinkie-Pie. They all go to bed with her a yesterday James had a baby, called Baby James (i think.. or maybe it was Belle - anyway quite a feat for a male horse).

Every day, after Sammy is dressed, breakfast eaten and teeth brushed, he goes to work. He gives Maria a kiss goodbye to which she replies "Bye Sam! Have a good day. Don't be too long!" Then he gives Bekah a kiss, then he says to me "Bye Mum, I'm off to work today. Going to help the poorly trees with Daddy. I've got my chain-sword. Love you! Bye!" Then he gives me a kiss and walks off into the lounge room where he fells a couple of lamps, climbs the couches and wanders around for a while. Then he comes back with an enthusiastic "Hello! I'm HOOOME! I helped the trees with Daddy."

Bekah is very nearly crawling. She gets up on all fours and rocks, shuffles around and can move backwards like a champion. She is an absolute dummy addict, and get so excited when she sees it after being parted for less than an hour. She can say 'Mum-mum-mum' and 'Dad-Dad-dada', 'whoooo', 'Bah-ba', and 'wah-wah-wah'. Her favourite toys are the giant Lightning McQueen cars Maria and Sam have, and she gets really cross and screams the house down if you take away anything she has. Often I see Sam frantically trying to shove a dummy into her mouth while looking extremely guilty after he has taken away a toy she's playing with. She adores the other two, and loves to be on the ground playing with them. She grins and laughs at all their silly antics, making her very popular with her siblings. I can't wait until she can crawl!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Baptismal Bliss

My little angles were firing on all cylinders today. We had a lovely time on Sunday - Rebekah was baptised at our church by Barry, Mark's Godfather from England. It was a beautiful ceremony, and it was so special that Barry could do it. We missed Dave (Bekah's Godfather), however we know he was there is spirit. Caitlin (God Mummy) did the most spectacular job organising the music, and all the Haywood family did such a lovely job helping out with all the details. The weather was beautiful so we were able to have cake and nibbles a gorgeous park where the kids ate copious amounts of junk and ran wild for a few hours.
Maria was fascinated by water being poured over Bekah's head and asked if being baptised was a special way to wash little baby's hair.
Samuel was quite wild during the mass as usual. At the park I caught him wandering around with a lolly in each hand and his pockets stuffed with jelly snakes.
Bekah looked so beautiful in her lovely little white dress and pink bow. She was so sweet and despite having an attack of the tireds during the mass, coped very well with her big day.

After such a lovely, huge weekend, the little ones have been very tired. Today we had a rest day and splashed in puddles, watched movies and generally wreaked havoc as usual. Maria is a little confused and calls Bekah 'Rebekah Cake'. Samuel mixes up the words to Bob the Builder and instead of saying 'working together they get the job done' he sings 'working together they get the doctor.'
They both are into 'toilet words' at the moment - I am constantly reminding them that toilet words stay on the toilet. This gets confusing for them when on some shows people sing 'bum-bum-bum'. They giggle and say "Mum!! Playschool is singing toilet words!!" I've had to explain that a drum says bum-bum and that it isn't a toilet word. However, they have cottoned on and often say "You're a bum bum head! Bum bum like a drum mum not the toilet word!!"
Will have to get around to posting pics - have some really gorgeous ones.