Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Brand New Blog!

Welcome to my brand new blog! It is very exciting. I plan to use this page to record some of the funny things the little ones say, and as a way for the overseas/interstate family members to be able to experience the kiddies growing up. So without further ado, here is Wednesday July 8th!

Today Maria decided she wanted to get married. So she dragged Sam into the living room where I was feeding Bekah and tried to teach him how to waltz. As you well know, a groom isn't really a groom if he can't waltz. So after a few minutes of 'Sam! Put your hand here! Go on - move like this!' Sam typically got bored and went to 'help the poorly trees' (really the venetian blinds) with Lightning McQueen and his 'chainsaw' (a green peg).

Maria would not have a bar of this. With big tears splashing down her face, she tried desperately to convince me to put Sam in time out for not marrying her, or to talk him round to the idea of matrimony and waltzing. I tried to explain that Sam was already her brother, and that he couldn't also be her husband. I said she could marry Bekah. Maria very hotly replied that she can't marry Bekah because she was not only a baby, but a girl baby, and that she can't even walk let alone dance like married people do.
I then suggested she could marry Daddy when he got home. This sent her running in tears to her bedroom because I (unfairly and unjustly) had already married Daddy and therefore he was off the market and obviously couldn't marry her. I then told her that maybe she hadn't met the man she was going to marry yet, to which she replied, 'When I find a man, the man I am going to marry, I will let you look after my kids, but I'm taking Bekah and Sam with me, so you better have more kids then.'
All through this Sam was very carefully and tactically staying out of the way.


Unknown said...

thats fanstastic! nice start to the blog!

Katie H said...

Excellent Katie! Fantastic idea! I look forward to the next update!! Big hugs and kisses to all!

deirdredanes said...

Dear Katie, Lovely story!! You are a born storyteller and hope to see this in paperback one day girlie!with lots of love xxxoooxxx

Unknown said...

i love it!!!!!!!!! haha so funny yay nearly your bday- sorry i hnt been in touch been crazy busy, love u xxxx

Unknown said...

Katie this is fantastic , you have your mums gift for story telling .

Seriously this could bea book , Kiddie Diaries
