Thursday, January 13, 2011

Back on Deck

Officially starting to blog again. Many apologies for taking to long! Here is a picture of our three little darlings eating ice cream in their tree house.

A few quick stories:

Maria is so tall, so grown up and so excited to start school! She plays for hours with Sam - they make up long and elaborate games involving astronauts, deep sea diving, horses and Spiderman. She is full of smiles, stories and questions!
Yesterday she asked me how the English people came to Australia. She asked if England was overcrowded and all the people that were overflowing got on a boat and came to Australia. I explained briefly about explorers and discovering Australia. She responded enthusiastically, asking if all the white-skinned people made friends with the Aboriginals and shared everything. I had to tell her that sadly, some of the English people were mean to the Aboriginal people.
Maria asked in a hushed whisper if some of them were killed. I said yes, and she responded with an aggressive "Well that was the olden days and everyone is friends now!" I
had to say that some people about the world are still mean to people with di
fferent coloured skin. She replied, "Well, when I grow up I'm going to be an explorer and find all the people that don't like black-skinned people and teach them to be kind to everyone."
My heart swelled and I felt so
proud of my grown up daughter with such a compassionate and kind heart. She then continued, "And if the people still won't be nice to the black-skinned people, I will get them all together and dig a big hole...." I had to butt in there and say "Maria! You can't bury people!!" She replied very matte
r-of-factly, "Oh no mum, I would only bury them their necks." I burst out lau
ghing and had to pull over in the car as I couldn't see through my tears!!
I am going to miss her dreadfully when she goes to school. She's our Maria - her own little entity - nothing alters her trajectory. I am so privileged to have been her primary carer during her preschool years. It goes too quickly! Mark does an amazing job working so hard for the five of us and enabling me to be at ground zero while our darlings are so little. He deserves a medal!!

My other man, dear Samuel, is the sweetest, most caring boy. He still think's he's a superhero and asks frequently for a rocket pack for his birthday. Sadly, his little 'baby Queen's' (the toy Lightning McQueen car he carried around for years) now sits in his toy box, usually at the bottom. I still smile fondly at it. It's bittersweet this growing up business. He now sports a cape and karate moves, and spends a lot of time saving us all from baddies and doing tricks on his swing (a water ski rope and handle suspended high from our tree.

He is also the king of random com
ments. The other day he wondered up to me while I was doing the dishes. He looked up at
me very seriously and said, "You can't put a remote control in the fish tank. I
t would kill the fish." I had to choke back a giggle (he is mortified whenever I laugh in his seriousness) and respond with a careful "Yes Sam Sam, I think you're right." He nodded sagely and said "Yes, the fish would die." He gave me a grave look, turned and walked off.I quickly looked to make sure our fish tank was remote control free. It was, although the half eaten apricot bobbing around and the 15 fridge magnets were another story.
He is very mentally quick is our Samuel. Not much goes past him! When I was vacuuming his room, I lifted up his Thomas couch and found a huge stash of Christmas chocolates stashed under there. I turned to him and raised my eyebrows. He looked at me i
nnocently, gave me a huge grin and said "The fairies came!" He's a cracker.
Today we dressed his little toy sheep called ...Timmy? (He was Fluffy for ages
but Sam came to the conclusion that Fluffy is a girls name, and has changed his name to
Timmy.) I've included pics of Timmy...Super Timmy?

The littlest one is growing up. She is incredibly opinionated, and is already dictating
what she will wear, play with and eat. She is very cute, with a definite air of 'impish' about her.
She started climbing out of her cot at about 15 months, using the chair arm next to the cot as a step. So we moved her chair and put the tall boy chest of draws next to it. At 18 months she had figured out how to use the tall boy to climb out. So we moved the tall boy. Then at 19 months she was out, so we had to move her into a big girl
bed. She loves it! However, last night Mark had to take her light bulb out because she gets up in the night, turns on her light and has a loud play. Her noise is quite out of joint - every time anyone goes into her room she frowns and says "Daddy. Light."
Most days she wants to wear 'Angelina Ballerina' dresses. Here is a picture of Boo in one of her Angelina Ballerina dresses and her Angelina Ballerina shoes.
Bekah is also really into making tea. Tonight she has gone to bed with a little tea pot, tea cup and saucer. Most days she makes us tea for at
least an hour.
The other day, I had her on my hip looking into the pantry and I asked her what we should have for lunch. She tilted her head on the side, put her hand on her chin and said "
Hmmm..." Then she put both her fingers pointing up into the air and said "I know!" It was so funny! She does it all the time now!

Ahh I think thats all for today. Keep checking! Hope to update much more regularly!!