Monday, July 20, 2009

Quiet as an Elephant

There is nothing like going to Mass on a Sunday evening with three lively little rascals in tow. They try to be good, but the prospect of sitting still for an hour is very difficult with so many things to look at and people to engage with.

This Sunday, however, there seemed to be more ants than usual in their pants. Maria kept making faces and laughing at her friends in the adjacent pew, Sam decided to practice his rhythmic gymnastics in the middle of the homily, and Bekah was imitating southern baptists and was adding her two cents 'amen' style at each pause.

I finally decided to take Maria and Sam outside right before the Eucharist to give the rest of the congregation some quiet time. They had a lovely time running around and climbing trees in the dark and cold.

Right before the 'Peace be With You', I took them to the door to head inside, and whispered "Ok kiddies, we need to be really quiet because it's praying time. Lets be quiet as little mice!" They liked this idea.

Unfortunately they took me literally and crawled into church up the aisles squeaking at the top of their voices. So much for quiet prayer time!

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